Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free As I Want To Be

FINALLY! I am home from the hospital. Apparently my condition was starting to get worse, and they had no choice but to put a chest tube in. I can't say I recommend it to anyone, it hurts like crazy to breathe. They slice you open while you are awake, shove a tube in between two of your ribs, then insert a tube hooked up to a ventilator with suction that sucks up all the air in the plural space between your chest wall and your lungs.

I learned two things about chest tubes this week. One, even if it feels like it, the chest tube cannot suck up your lung, just the air. Trust me, the way it hurt, I imagined it was exactly like a vacuum when you stick it next to your skin. I thought there was a good possibility the suction would just suck up my lung like a piece of lint on the carpet.

Two, you can't think about how gross it is...a tube is actually in your chest! I really got light headed thinking about how it was lodged in there. And probably because it hurt like crazy while it was suctioning... and I was immobile for so long I have this weird headache that won't go away.

Here's what I learned about myself. I am SO INCREDIBLY blessed. I have a wonderful husband who refused to leave my side. I had incredible nurses who took care of me. My nurse Barbara held my hand as they shoved the tube into my chest cavity, something that meant the world to me at a moment when I was scared of what was happening next. I have family that rallies around me, gives me their time without a thought, and waits on me when I am unable to do much for myself. My co-workers have been concerned and visited, my sisters at church brought me meals, flowers, and kind words of encouragement. I am without words to adequately describe what it means to me.

So thank you! Thank you for your love. Thank you for your encouragement. And thank all of you for your friendship. It means the world to me and I hope you know how much I appreciate it.


  1. Wow. So sorry for all the medical problems. No fun. And yes, Heavenly Father doesn't let us take a F and move on. :) I really liked that. I thought I had patience too....still learning...
    You'll be in our prayers.

  2. Love you Erica!! Now let's move forward with great health and put Morty to rest and all those complications!! And you do have an amazing family, amazing friends and an amazing church family!!

  3. Oh my goodness! Where have I been? I knew you were going to have follow-up surgery on Monty but holy smokes!!!!! Me no likey you be sicky!

  4. So glad the tube's out and you are home. We've been praying for you.
    Hope you can rest and get strong and healthy.

  5. Goodness gracious I hope you're feeling better. That's quite a lot for one person to go through. I'm glad you've gotten so much support. You deserve it!
