Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh yeah thats right... I have a blog!

So I have been slackingon one resolution. But staying pretty constant for the others. I have decided to write in my blog how I want and not try and come up with something cool. Whatever is on my mind... I will write it. Today, we talk about boredom. How I am getting so bored with my job that I am struggling to stay awake on the phone. I know you aren't supposed to write about that on your blog cause they will fire you for that kind of thing these days, but I assume they already know I hate my job for two reasons: 1) I answer a phone all day long 2) I told my boss in my 90 day evaluation I would rather clean the toilets then be in that cursed phone room. So I started a new hobby at work. It is called think of the most random thing possible and then try not to laugh too hard when you think about the time you ripped your shorts open when diving for a football at a high school graduation party. My mom told me I should find something to look forward to each day so I am looking forward to trumping my last funny thought. Which I defintely trumped today again after I told some lady I was going to go streaking outside the hospital because it was so warm outside. But I seriously have been craving something more lately. I am too tired to do much after work, so I feel like I get nothing done. I am trying to get motivated to accomplish something. I am taking Wednesday off next week to have an Erica day. I am undecided what I will do with a day off, but am generally very excited about the idea. I am pretty sure this day will include my long awaited hair cut and color and perhaps a little trip to the store to buy some new makeup. I have not been doing much with myself since I left school, so I have decided that even if there is no one to look hot for, I should still keep myself looking decent haha. We'll see how that goal comes along.
On a sweeter note, I am thinking of hosting a bake sale. I think that little things like these are the small things that can help to make a difference. Any takers on helping me out?
And the last way I am trying to help my community is by participating in the CASA Superhero Run. The proceeds of the 5k go towards child abuse awareness. I am pretty sure my Mom, Dad, Darcie, Brian, and I are going as The Incredibles. I am pretty amped. Pictures to follow. For now... off to bed. I will write something with substance later. Good night.

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